#                                         GOBGC Additional Meta for Floats - 30-Jun-2023 06:14:04
#                                           ( Click on table header items to sort )
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#    Categories for comments.
#    An example for bad: pH(36-) means pH is bad from 36 onward. pH(36) means only profile 36 is bad.
#           The complete list of information on cycle timing of sensor failures can be found here: bad_sensor_list.txt
19142 5906342 5906342 FloatInfo A202021-04-12O2Oxygen drop-outs, bad samples
19142 5906342 5906342 FloatInfo A202021-07-12O2Optode failed, may be draining power because of failure
19061 5906341 5906341 FloatInfo A202021-04-12deadOnly produced Cy 000, never sent a first profile
19061 5906341 5906341 FloatInfo A202021-04-12Dyoung0 profiles, deployed 2021-03-37, lastProfile 2021-03-27
19107 5906440 5906440 FloatInfo A202021-03-29deployLine tangled in sensors during deployment, no apparent effect on data return.
19364 5906340 5906340 FloatInfo A202022-01-03bladderbladder issue
19588 5906339 5906339 FloatInfo A202021-04-26pHpH problem
19588 5906339 5906339 FloatInfo A202021-11-08pHpH bad
19881 5906343 5906343 FloatInfo A202021-04-08pHpH from first profiles has many bad values
19970 5906434 5906434 FloatInfo A202021-04-08deployLine slightly hung up in sensors but slipped free quickly without incident
19970 5906434 5906434 FloatInfo A202021-07-26ballastBallast incorrect for deployment location. Will receive profiles when float is able to surface in cooler fall/winter water
19970 5906434 5906434 FloatInfo A202021-08-30deployFloat now in water where it can reach surface and is reporting.
19443 5906437 5906437 FloatInfo A222021-05-17BBP700BBP700 is non-responsive
19443 5906437 5906437 FloatInfo A222022-05-09BBP700FLBB dropouts (cabling). May be IE connector
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-01-31bladderhas bladder issue
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-03-14bladder19605.030.log suggesting problems surfacing ie "SkySearch failed, adding buoyancy to reach the surface."
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-04-11bladderRecovery mode on. Came to surface 2022-11-27, started transmitting profiles, and was removed from Recovery mode on.
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-04-25bladderhas experienced a lengthy period where a stuck bladder has caused poor telemetry performance. Remote commands were able to make the bladder inflate properly, which allowed the telemetry to return to normal. The float mission has resumed
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-04-25pHpH sensor has failed starting cycle 31
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222022-05-23bladderstill having trouble getting to surface to send data
19605 5906436 5906436 FloatInfo A222023-06-12ballastalso has ballast issues
19531 5906439 5906439 FloatInfo A222022-05-09BBP700FLBB dropouts (cabling). May be IE connector
19129 5906438 5906438 FloatInfo A222021-12-17pHFailed profile 24
1346 4903365 4903365 FloatInfo OOI2021-06-11ReDepldFailed pH tests
19751 5906448 5906448 FloatInfo Resing2022-05-09BBP700FLBB dropouts (cabling)
19751 5906448 5906448 FloatInfo Resing2022-06-24pHsensor failed about profile 25
20043 5906449 5906449 FloatInfo Resing2021-11-07pHproblem with error log on every sample. Able to correct itself for data collection
20043 5906449 5906449 FloatInfo Resing2021-11-15pHSBS pH sensor failed Cy 2
20043 5906449 5906449 FloatInfo Resing2022-05-09BBP700FLBB dropouts (cabling). May be CRE connector
20132 5906468 5906468 FloatInfo Gradients42022-06-13firmwarefirmware was modified May 5 2022. Only turn on the pH bias battery pack a few days before ascent, as opposed to being turned on continuously. Cycle 18 is first cycle to reflect this change. Apf11 feature
20135 5906476 5906476 FloatInfo Gradients42022-04-06pH sensor failed about profile 13
20084 5906474 5906474 FloatInfo Gradients42022-11-21pHSBS pH sensor failure
20592 5906475 5906475 FloatInfo Gradients42022-06-13pHpH sensor failed
20060 5906472 5906472 FloatInfo Gradients42022-05-18pHsensor failed about profile 16
20144 5906503 5906503 FloatInfo RevGuamTrnst2022-01-07pHThis has a failed pH sensor – at about 400 m the sensor output goes to a railed value. Its one of the Sea-Bird stems
20804 5906502 5906502 FloatInfo RevGuamTrnst2023-04-20CPmodeModified cp-mode activation depth to 1585m which will improve the accuracy & integrity of the pH profiles by eliminating the discontinuity at 985m in various pH profiles. The discontinuity presents difficulty for QC
20520 5906483 5906483 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-01-10deadfirst profile very late, may be dead on deployment
20520 5906483 5906483 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-05-09RecOnPut into Recovery mode if it ever surfaces
20520 5906483 5906483 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-06-06RecOnMade it to surface! flagged it as operational
20520 5906483 5906483 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-06-06pHpH sensor failed (SBS sensor with reference failure)
20520 5906483 5906483 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-06-06ballast float only getting to about 50m depth
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-02-14ballasthaving trouble reaching the surface due to slight over ballasting
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-03-14ballast20162.002.log includes "Air bladder inflation by passed. Pneumatic Pressure [154cnt, 18.1psi]."
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-03-14deadmay be trapped under fresh water cap and cannot reach surface
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-05-09ballast if it ever receives, set to Revovery On.
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-08-18dead flagged alive. May have a ballasting issue, may get to surface as some point?
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-12-12Dyoung2 profiles, deployed 2022-01-11, lastProfile 2022-01-22
20162 5906485 5906485 FloatInfo Altabet_ODZ2022-12-07dead Flagged dead. has no good data
1345 1902380 1902380 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2022-11-21pHSBS pH sensor failure
1345 1902380 1902380 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-06-11ReDepldFailed incoming, failed tests
1345 1902380 1902380 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-06-17ReDepldReturned to SBE for repair, failed vacuum test. Likely dropped during shipping
1345 1902380 1902380 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-08-30ReDepldPassed incloming, 1 shock sticker triggered, pH is out of spec, SUNA unable to get sample
1345 1902380 1902380 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-10-13ReDepldpH reading slightly lower, but OK
1348 1902382 1902382 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2022-05-23pH pH sensor failed
1348 1902382 1902382 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-06-29ReDepldFailed incoming, bad vacuum
1348 1902382 1902382 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-09-09ReDepldpassed incoming, pH is out of spec, reference spectrum of SUNA updated
1348 1902382 1902382 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-10-13ReDepldPassed flow through, pH reading slightly lower, but OK
1352 1902384 1902384 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2021-09-23ReDepldpH out of spec
1351 1902383 1902383 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2022-03-14BBP700sensor issues at depth
1351 1902383 1902383 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2022-03-14CDOMsensor issues at depth
1351 1902383 1902383 FloatInfo Brown_Transit2022-03-28BBP700potential FLBB issue (continual drift in baseline in all 3 channels, watching)
0001 4903026 4903026 FloatInfo MBay01_NOPP2022-05-23pH pH sensor failed
20148 5906507 5906507 FloatInfo MBay012023-04-24pHk2(p) describes temperature response of sensor, but affects the pH of this Apex GDF
0003 5906766 5906766 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-04-04pHstarting to drift low, but fixable
0003 5906766 5906766 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-04-11 float did not accept configs. Not sure why, or what it means
0003 5906766 5906766 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-08-08deadflagged dead instead of MIA since 2022-05-02
0004 5906767 5906767 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-03-31pHpH sensor is failing. This is one of SBSs new improved references
0004 5906767 5906767 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-04-04pHfailed on fourth cycle, cycles 1-3 low pH
0004 5906767 5906767 FloatInfo Larv-Sym2022-05-02pHsensor shut off
20150 5906511 5906511 FloatInfo P02W2022-06-20pHpH dropped ~0.1 cycle 4 & 5. This is an MBARI sensor with a Seabird pH stem
20496 5906522 5906522 FloatInfo P02W2023-04-24pHfailed at cycle 25 (DF332)
20134 5906516 5906516 FloatInfo P02W2022-06-13pHpH spikiness (SBS; diags good)
20842 5906517 5906517 FloatInfo P02E2023-04-20CPmodeModified cp-mode activation depth to 1585m which will improve the accuracy & integrity of the pH profiles by eliminating the discontinuity at 985m in various pH profiles. The discontinuity presents difficulty for QC
20589 5906531 5906531 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222022-11-14bladderBladder issues, stuck, cant get antenna out of the water
20589 5906531 5906531 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222023-02-06RecOnRecovery mode on to try and unstick it''s bladder if it communicates again
20528 5906534 5906534 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222022-06-13ReDepldRemoved from P02E cruise because non-responsive mode or failed muxer, failed at lab before shipping
20528 5906534 5906534 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222022-06-13muxerRemoved from P02E cruise because non-responsive mode or failed muxer, failed at lab before shipping
20528 5906534 5906534 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222022-11-14bladderBladder issues, cant get antenna out of the water
20528 5906534 5906534 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222023-02-06bladderAir valve is stuck open and likely won''t fix itself
20169 5906535 5906535 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222022-11-14bladderBladder issues, cant get antenna out of the water
20169 5906535 5906535 FloatInfo Sikuliaq_20222023-02-06bladderAir valve is stuck open and likely won''t fix itself
1343 4903456 4903456 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222021-09-15ReDepldReturned to SBE for Scratches in hull seal face
1343 4903456 4903456 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222021-09-30ReDepldReturned to SBE for Bumps and scratches in hull face seal
1343 4903456 4903456 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222022-07-13ReDepldFalied_pressure_test, pump leak. Fixed at WHOI. Note this float passed pressure test at UW on 2021-08-16
1344 4903457 4903457 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222022-09-27bladderAir bladder failure, struggling to communicate
1344 4903457 4903457 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222022-09-27 Set to park until hurricane Ian passes
1344 4903457 4903457 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222021-09-15ReDepld Returned to SBE, Exposed metal in end cap, not anodized. Part will have to be replaced and float reassembled
1344 4903457 4903457 FloatInfo BATS_Sep222022-07-13ReDepldFailed pressure test, pump leak. This float passed pressure test on 2021-08-16 at UW
20138 5906536 5906536 FloatInfo Madag_20222022-06-13ReDepldFloat removed from the P02W cruise and the Kaharoa shipment for unknown reasons. It was deployed on the AgulhasII cruise
1349 4903458 4903458 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2021-09-03ReDepldFailed incoming, SUNA is reading high, SUNA is not getting measurement from CTD
1349 4903458 4903458 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2021-10-07ReDepldReturned to SBE, found salt internal
1349 4903458 4903458 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2022-06-30ReDepldFailed internal inspection, found salt in end cap. put in tall tank over the weekend, found no water upon reopening. did not fully disassemble
1349 4903458 4903458 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2022-07-13ReDepldFalied pressure test, pump leak
1350 4903459 4903459 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2021-10-28ReDepldFailed port test, reversed capacitor. Returned to SBE
1350 4903459 4903459 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2023-04-24pHpH failed at cycle 16 (SBE 11564)
1353 4903460 4903460 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2022-11-26batt_lowpotential problem related to fuses in the battery packs
1353 4903460 4903460 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2022-12-19hulllikely hull implosion problem related to fuses in the battery packs
1353 4903460 4903460 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2021-10-20ReDepldReturned to SBE, salt loop came off, pH sensor failed.
1353 4903460 4903460 FloatInfo NTAS_PNE2022-07-05ReDepldpH outside spec, updated SUNA reference
21311 5906547 5906547 FloatInfo GP172023-03-20BBP700 Failed. Acting like a switch that turns off and on
21142 5906548 5906548 FloatInfo GP172023-04-20CPmodeModified cp-mode activation depth to 1585m which will improve the accuracy & integrity of the pH profiles by eliminating the discontinuity at 985m in various pH profiles. The discontinuity presents difficulty for QC
21900 5906570 5906570 FloatInfo Kaha_Nov20222022-12-19NO3shifts in intesity, to saturation.... Unstable lamp (12V) power supply, or the lamp itself? Bad optics?
21279 5906573 5906573 FloatInfo Kaha_Nov20222023-02-06POffsetPressure Offset
21827 5906575 5906575 FloatInfo Kaha_Nov20222023-02-06POffsetPressure Offset
21844 5906577 5906577 FloatInfo Kaha_Nov20222023-02-06POffsetPressure Offset
21302 5906583 5906583 FloatInfo Solomon2022-12-30CApex CApex (carbon fiber hull Apex)
1475 4903489 4903489 FloatInfo A16N2023-04-14pH Sensor failed upon depolyment
1356 4903486 4903486 FloatInfo A16N2022-03-18ReDepld First assigned on NTAS/PNE with WMO 4903461. Returned to WHOI due to possible battery or fuse problem. Deployed on A16N
1356 4903486 4903486 FloatInfo A16N2021-10-05ReDepldMCOMS channel 2 seems to be reading high, channel 3 reading low. but this is similar to how others have behaved.
1356 4903486 4903486 FloatInfo A16N2021-10-28ReDepldreturned to SBE. CTD communication error, reversed capacitor.'
1354 4903485 4903485 FloatInfo A16N2021-11-12ReDepldReturned to SBE. Reversed capacitor, bad vac, MCOMS channel 2 reading high, pH out of spec, replaced 0-ring and re-pulled vaccuum
1354 4903485 4903485 FloatInfo A16N2022-07-12ReDepldReturned to SBE. BBP reading high ~100 while covered, cracks in oil reservoir rubber, cracks in oil reservoir
1354 4903485 4903485 FloatInfo A16N2022-10-12ReDepldUnmachined patch in hull.
1354 4903485 4903485 FloatInfo A16N2023-03-20 values slightly out of spec during checkout
1354 4903485 4903485 FloatInfo A16N2023-05-15NO3Deployed with red tape over sensor
1477 4903533 4903533 FloatInfo A16N2022-09-20ReDepldReturned to SBE. Conductivity cell tbt holder is crooked. Overnight air bladder test slowly loosing air gratly outside of spec. When inflating air bladder to 133 counts, deflates by 4 to 5 counts in 2.5 hours and from 133 to 116 in an overnight test. Spec for the overnight test is 4 counts.
1477 4903533 4903533 FloatInfo A16N2023-05-15NO3Deployed with red tape over sensor
1487 1902459 1902459 FloatInfo DMB2023-04-24pHpH k2(P), plus 9th order f(P)
1484 1902454 1902454 FloatInfo MaurGoa2023-06-03pHFirst pH profile is bad. pH reference failure.
21291 5907061 5907061 FloatInfo HOT_3422023-05-30testtest float, new param CHLA435. five-sensor float with FL2BB, which includes a channel for chla excitation at the nominal 470nm as well as a channel at 435nm excitation (as well as BBP700).
17465 3902559 3902559 FloatInfo HOT_3422023-05-30testtest float; five-sensor float with SBS83 oxygen optode
21146 7901106 7901106 FloatInfo HOT_3422023-05-30testtest float, six-sensor APEX with OCR504 sn 2254 ( new params DOWN_IRRAD380, DOWN_IRRAD443, DOWN_IRRAD490,DOWNWELL_PAR). Note that unfortunately the CHLA sensor on this float is not working properly. Also, current OCR channels include 380, 443, 490 nm, plus PAR. PAR will be replaced with 555nm eventually on future floats (plot below showing the 3 irradiance channels)
21146 7901106 7901106 FloatInfo HOT_3422023-05-30CHLACHLA sensor is not working properly,FLBB problem


# OperatorFLID link: link to UW float web page

# WMO Euro-Argo link: link to Euro-Argo (Ifremer) float web page

# Ocean-Ops link: link to Ocean-Ops (Jcommops) webpage

# Project Float File: Float Information file, including data notes.

# CRID: Cruise ID

# Date of comment: date attached to comment

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# Comment: the float comment, meta information